A sb-800 strobe with grid was atached to a bar right opposite the model just above the water, another sb800 next to the camera for ambient light and the third strobe behind the glass wall creating a big hotspot Nikon D700 f2,8/28-70mm. 1/40 f2.8 iso 640

one strobe behind the models (hey that includes me) and the 2nd one for abient light at the other side of the glass wall, Nikon D700 f2,8/80-200mm, 1/40 f2.8 iso 640

in the far right up corner a sb800 for the wall and some ambient, 2nd sb800 with grid for the models face. Camera left a 3rd one for ambient, Nikon D700 f2,8/80-200mm, 1/60 f2.8 iso 400

A sb800 low aimed at her legs and a second one on the right for ambient, the sunlight backlit everything for separation and ilumination of the water, Nikon D700 f2,8/80-200mm 1/60 f2.8 iso400

just one sb-800 pointed up at the ceiling for ambient non-directional light
Just with my really old f1.8/50mm out of hand, 1/40 f1.8 iso 400
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