I downloaded the NIK plugin software for photoshop, lightroom and aperture this morning. It consists of sharpen, noise reduction, color, lightcontrol and black and white modules for the above mentioned programs. I played around with the color and the black and white modules a little bit. Having not really done black and white for ages, actually since I abandoned sadly my wet and chemical darkroom, I thought it was good to see if I had lost my printing eye. I really loved printing and was quiet good at it if I may say so myself. Anyway back to the computer...I opened 2 different pics in the module Silver Efex (conveniently opening from Lightroom) and I started playing. Damn this is soooo promising. I know I am not there yet, but I can see where it is heading! Back to the good 'ol B/W!!
I am going to use it for the next 14 days in its trial form. To buy the whole suite comes with a reasonable pricetag: € 299,95 suitable for all 3 programs. Go check it out at
http://www.niksoftware.com. Hope you like the pics.
--Take care V.